The Misadventures of CHS Technology


Cameron Mitchell, News Editor

We are incredibly fortunate to have such world-class technology and an award-winning technology department here at CHS. How could you not love them and our spectacular laptops?

I mean, seriously. How could you not adore your computer crashing at sporadic intervals throughout the day? How could you not be filled with joy to hear that there is a crucial, life-ending, earth-shattering update that is required for your laptop?

The urgency of updates is truly such a thrilling experience! It is so convenient that there’s a new one every two weeks!

You know what? Who am I kidding? Technology has been aggravating, to say the least. There are just so many mishaps and imperfections that have stained this year. I could literally talk for HOURS about it.

Let us start with our beloved internet browser friend, Firefox.

R.I.P. to a true legend. We all knew Firefox to be the most reliable and undoubtedly our favorite browser. Safari and Chrome were truly no comparison to such an icon. We appreciated it not for its quick speeds and aesthetics or its ability to pull up accurate searches, but for providing us with literally all of our favorite sources of entertainment. Netflix? You got it. Spotify? Absolutely. Free movies/tv shows? Easy as 123.

Everything bundled into ONE browser. However, as we all know, all good things must come to an end (especially here at Collierville). I can speak for everyone when I say that Firefox’s death was completely gut-wrenching. We didn’t even get to have a funeral!

It is certainly heartbreaking that the murderers (the tech department) would take away the literal root of our happiness. Don’t they know how boring it is in most of our classes? They clearly care not.

Here’s another grievance we all have— not having cell service and internet at school.

At times, this has quite literally been the bane of my existence. Literally, ALL I want is to have at least 3 bars on my phone to send ONE text. But no. Do you remember when Khloé Kardashian famously snapped at Kourtney for not having service at her home? Well, Kourtney and I are in the same position, but I don’t even have a choice!

I understand that social media during school is not conducive to academic success. We all understand that. But truly, how detrimental is it to send ONE snap or like an Instagram post? The problem goes way further than that, though. It’s the fact that I literally cannot make calls and can barely send texts. We all know that if there were an emergency situation, and we needed to call home, we would be very much screwed.

You know… there is one thing I love about CHS students when it comes to technology, though. Our perseverance is truly incredible. As soon as something gets blocked or people get kicked off the guest Wi-Fi, some computer whiz manages to find a way around.

Seriously, these people need their own tech jobs, as much as they find solutions. Speaking of, if anyone happens to find the password to the guest Wi-Fi, do not be afraid to hit me up! I’m desperate.

At the end of the day, I think we all agree that the technology here has been nothing but a thorn in our sides. How else could you explain us constantly getting threatened that our laptops are being taken? Or the tech department snapping at us for asking about a problem that is literally their JOB to fix?

Let me just say, if you are bold enough to take my laptop away, you are going to be bold enough to handle my major side eye when you decide to give it back.