Baseball is Back!


Scout Morrise, Arts and Entertainment Editor

It’s that time of year again. Nationwide, we’re prepping for the most American sport of all time: baseball. Reports of baseball in America began in the 1830s, and we’ve been playing ever since. While football has all the excitement of tackles and touchdowns, baseball brings the comfort of schoolyard games and playing catch in the front yard. The concept of “three strikes and you’re out!” is brought outside of the field, into our daily life. There are few things more edge-of-your-seat exciting than gearing up for a home run in the final inning. Blink and you might miss a base get stolen. There’s only a bad game if your team is the one losing.

By February 16th, all MLB positions reported to spring training, ready to kick this season into gear. In preparation for the World Series, teams will be getting back into shape and playing exhibition games. Then, games will launch into the best-of-seven playoffs. For the time being, the New York Yankees hold the most victories with 27 wins.

Beyond MLB, Collierville High School’s baseball team is kicking into gear. If you’re looking for excitement outside of the national league, where better to look than our local players? Their first game will be on March 13th, so don’t forget to wish them luck.

It’s generally agreed that there’s little excitement in the first two-thirds of the game, but that’s what makes it so fun. As the players are prepping for the final stretch, you can sit and catch-up with friends, occasionally glancing at the field to stay caught up.

Just as your conversation is fizzling out, the game is reaching its climax. Few things can match the excitement of the last three innings, when the whole stadium begins to buzz with excitement. The scores stay low and close. The next pitch could decide it all. So even if baseball isn’t your traditional idea of a good time, stayed tuned it. You never know how exciting it can be until you try it out.