Screentime: Taking the World by Storm


Celia Heffernan, Staff Writer

Why are we so attached to our phones? We are even addicted our computers, TVs, and headphones as well. It’s not just our generation though, but older and younger generations as well. What is it about technology that keeps our attention for hours upon hours?

Walking through the hallways, it is uncommon to see someone without their phone in their hand or headphones in their ears. I’ll watch people run into people, or even the walls, just because they can’t be off their phone in the five minutes it takes to get to class. Along with that, when they get to class, the first thing they do is open their computer or get on their phone. When teachers give out assignments, most choose to be on their phones or find something else to do. Even when the teacher is teaching people will be on their phones in plain sight. Same goes for when they are at home. Instead of studying, we take long “breaks” that never truly end, and we decide we are prepared enough.

Now I’m not saying I am exempt from this. My screen time is embarrassing. Every time I get that weekly notification telling me how much percentage my screen time has increased from the last week only makes me flick the notification away, and then precede to stay on my phone. I try to say that I’m better than most since I mostly use my phone to read on my Kindle app, but I tap into my fair share on social media and streaming apps. TikTok and Hulu have taken over my life. I don’t even notice the time when I am on them. I can’t go on a road trip without my air pods, and I spend the majority of the trip on my phone. Before, I would play on my DS, or sit there and bother my parents until I fell asleep, or they screamed at me to shut up.

I look at my little brother and all he has known his whole life was technology. Always asking for my parent’s phones until they gave him an iPad and then, eventually, his own phone. All he does is watch YouTube on the TV, on his phone and playing on it, and playing Xbox. Every year for Christmas, his list is filled with technology. It makes me wonder just how much technology will continue to change and evolve us as well as younger generations. Are we being hindered by them? Are younger people missing out on valuable information and life experiences because of technology? Will we continue to be completely reliant on technology to calm and distract us? Can we really let go from our phones or will they remain glued to our hands? The questions are endless. It makes me wonder just how much technology has consumed us and how it will only continue to take over the world by storm.