Advice Column

Advice column with Keira and Aliza.

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Keira Williams and Aliza Hudda


So, I’m not doing well in one of my classes because I don’t understand the way that my teacher teaches. What should I do to do better in the class?

Aliza: Hi! I know classes can be tough and not everyone understands the way a teacher teaches them and that’s okay. I would say the first thing to do is talk to the teacher about it and ask if there is any way you could get extra help! If your teacher doesn’t give extra help, then you could always ask a friend. I know it can be nerve-racking to ask a peer for help because you’re scared they will make fun of you for not understanding, but that’s not the case! School is for everyone to grow and learn; no one comes to school knowing everything!

Hoped this helped,

Aliza Hudda


Keira: Hi! Everyone learns very differently. They even have different names for types of learners. As you know what may work for you doesn’t work for everyone and vice versa. The best thing you can do in my opinion is to experiment with different study methods and habits. The blurting study method works very well for me. Study the material for 10 minutes then write everything you remember. Repeat the process until all the important material is memorized. You can also check Schoology to access textbooks, the syllabus, and other materials to help you in class. If these steps do not improve your scores, you can try to have a conversation with your teacher. Remember to be respectful and kind. You are intelligent and worthy of education! Learning is trial and error. Stay focused and kind.

Hope this helped,

Keira Williams


What should I do during school when my mental health is at an all-time low? I have been struggling throughout the day, my grades are good so it isn’t very noticeable. I feel so burnt out and drained. What would you guys recommend me doing?



Hi! I feel like everyone copes differently so I would take a day off to focus on just myself. There are also people and places you can go to in school when you feel mentally drained. I understand how overwhelming it can be sometimes to constantly be working on your grades. Although grades are important, so is your mental health. If you don’t want to take a day off, pick only 3 hours out (or however much is necessary but keep it to a minimum) of your weekend to finish all your schoolwork and spend the rest of the weekend working on yourself: doing something you love or just taking a nap! If even after these steps you still feel like you are burnt out, I would make a schedule planning enough time to to divide your work up and still have time for yourself at the end of the night. Doing this will instill a good habit of learning how to balance the best of both worlds. I know school can be overwhelming sometimes.

Thank you,

Aliza Hudda


Keira: Hey! I feel like the most important step you can take is taking care of yourself. No quiz, project, or test is as important as your mental health. Small steps like complimenting others, picking up more exercise, and taking care of yourself properly are all known to improve mental health. If things begin to get more serious, speak with your parents, guardian, or a trusted adult. One missed day of school isn’t the worst thing in the world. Take a break if you need it. Our school has so many amazing counselors, teachers, resources, and students who would love to help.

Hope this helped,

Keira Williams