Norse Mythology Realms

Norse Mythology Realms

Victoria Davis, Staff Writer

Niflheim– Realm of fog:

It is the coldest and darkest of all realms. The eldest spring in the world called Hvergelmir also known as the “bubbling, boiling spring,” is in Niflheim is protected by the huge dragon Nidhog.  The spring is the origin of all that is living and the place where every living being will go back. As the world tree Yggdrasil started to grow, it stretched one of its three large roots far into Niflheim, and drew water from the spring Hvergelmir.

Muspelheim– The land of Fire:

Muspelheim was created at the same time as Niflheim but was created far into the south of the world in Norse mythology. It is a burning hot place, filled with lava, flames, sparks and soot. It is home of fire giants and demons and is ruled by the giant Sutur.

Asgard– Home of the Gods:

Asgard is home to the gods and goddesses. Odin is the ruler of Asgard and the chief of the Aesir. Inside the gates of Asgard is Valhalla, the place where half who dies in battle will go for the afterlife the other go to Folkvangr which is ruled by the goddess Freya.

Midgard– Home of the Humans:

Midgard is located below Asgard and is connected to it by the Bifrost/ The Rainbow Bridge. The first two humans, Ash and Embla, were sent to Midgard after Odin and his brothers created them from tree logs.

Jotunheim– Home of Giants:

Jotunheim consists mostly of rocks, wilderness, and dense forest. It lies in the snowy regions of the outermost shores of the ocean. Giants’ diets consist mostly of fish from the rivers and animals from the forest. There is no fertile land. Jotunheim is separated from Asgard by the river Irving, which never freezes over. The fortress Utgard is carved from blocks of snow and glistening icicles.

Vanaheim– Home of the Vanir:

The Vanir gods are an old branch of gods. They are masters of sorcery and magic and also are widely acknowledged for their talent to predict the future. Nobody knows where Vanaheim is located or how it looks.

Alfheim– Home of the Light Elves:

Alfheim is right next to Asgard in heaven. The light elves are beautiful creatures whom are considered “guardian angels.” Light elves are minor gods of nature and fertility and are known for inspiring poets in art and music.

Svartalfheim– Home of the Dwarves:

The Dwarves live under the rocks in caves and underground. Svartalfheim means Dark Fields. Dwarves are masters of craftmanship.

Helheim– Home of the Dishonorable Dead:

Picture from Etsy
Hel daughter of Loki and ruler of helheim

Helheim is where all the dishonorable dead go: thieves, murderers, and those the gods and goddesses feel are not brave enough to go to Valhalla or Folkvangr. Helheim is ruled by Hel, Lokis daughter. Helheim is a very grim and cold place and those who are sent there never feel joy or happiness again.