Wakanda Forever
October 27, 2022
Remembering Chadwick Boseman
One black mask not only started a franchise but ignited a movement. In 2018, Marvel introduced this mask in their first black-centered film titled Black Panther. Though black is considered a mysterious color to most, the one behind the mask was no mystery at all. Most individuals know of the beloved Chadwick Boseman – the kind, lighthearted man who carried the heavy weight of his alter ego, Black Panther. In 2020, Boseman tragically died from a prolonged bout with colon cancer. As of late, his absence has been even more noticeable.

Recently, Marvel released a trailer for their new movie titled Wakanda Forever, which gives fans a glimpse into the resurrected image of the groundbreaking 2018 film. The sudden arrival of the trailer has come as a surprise to some. After Boseman’s untimely death, there was wide speculation on whether there would ever be another Black Panther movie. “Could anyone ever take his place? Will it be as good?” Now, the suspicions have been answered. Though there is no Boseman, there clearly is still a Black Panther.
Continuing the Legacy
The trailer begins with the memorable mask that started it all. As members of King T’Challa’s family hold it, melancholy is clearly visible on their countenances. Throughout the trailer, more tributes to Boseman are seen; there is even an enlarged portrait of him on a wall. Notwithstanding, the heroic nature of the film sustains as the trailer is embedded with various battle scenes and powerful calls to action. After four long years, fans are finally getting to see another glimpse of the movie they so loved.
Ultimately, Marvel’s decision to make another Black Panther movie is quite noteworthy. It proves that even though an actor or actress’s departure may significantly impact a production, it does not mean that the production will never continue. Humans fulfill gigantic roles; however, it is the substance of that role that holds the most impact. The memory of Chadwick Boseman will likely sustain forever, but one thing has been made clear by this movie—Wakanda is truly Forever.