Homework: The True Feelings
April 6, 2023
Do you remember when you used to cry while doing homework with your parents? Well, what if we didn’t have homework to begin with? Many students believe that homework limits their free time, leading to various other problems for students such as stress build-up and procrastination.
To begin, homework should only be necessary depending on the class because it can “create the bad habit that it is okay to take work home,” mentions Braxton Groce. Many students could agree that homework taught students that taking work home is fine. Creating that bad habit can lead to so many other disrupting habits, like procrastinating. Homework can often make students feel like they can’t get things done that should. For instance, homework can feel “like an inconvenience,” says a CHS student. This obviously shows that homework isn’t something that’s needed, it’s only creating bad habits and annoyed students.
Many students who have classes with instructors who hand out homework regularly begin to dread the class. Many teachers don’t realize the amount of stress students already have within other classes, not to mention students who participate in extracurricular activities. Mental health is important too. Theodore Masco pointed out that homework “often restricts me from doing things to the point where it affects my mental health.” Homework makes students focus on something that stresses them out, instead of doing something that can help them relax after a long day at school. Another student said that homework is necessary but they “think there should be a limit.”
Homework is limiting how students use their free time. Many students can agree that homework is taking away extra time to themselves. One student talks about how they “currently stopped doing extracurricular activities and extra work because of it.” Extracurricular activities usually could take your mind away from stressful feelings, but homework could prevent you from pursuing those activities. Although Evan Kirby asserts that it doesn’t hold back students: “because of our new block schedule I can get it all done in my spare time in my other classes.” The block schedule has helped with extra work, but some classes still give homework. Homework shouldn’t be a norm.
Homework does have benefits, like extra practice if you don’t understand something. Although, most of CHS has tutoring, so it’s better to ask for help rather than to bring it home and end up more confused. Homework shouldn’t be a grade.